Articles of Faith

Article 1 - The Bible

We believe that the Bible, consisting of the sixty six books of the Old and New Testament, was given by Divine inspiration and is the Word of God. {2 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:19-21; 1 Thess. 2:13}.

We believe that the Bible is the final authority in all matters pertaining to our faith and practice.{Acts 17:11; Isa. 8:20}

Article 2 – About God

We believe there is only one living and true God - perfect, infinite and eternal {Matt. 5:48; 1 Kings 8:27; Psalm 90:22}.

We believe that God exists in three Persons and is revealed to us as echad (a composite oneness): Father, Son (Yeshua the Messiah), and Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) {Deut. 6:4; Zech. 14:9; Matt. 28:19; John 5:17, 14:16-17, 15:26; Eph. 2:18}.

We believe that He is the Creator, Preserver, and Ruler of the universe {Gen. 1:1; Neh. 9:6; Psalm 103:19; Eph 1:11; Heb 1:2,3; 11:3}.

We believe that God is unchangeable in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, love, and truth {Mal.3:6; 1 Tim. 1:17; Gen. 17:1; Isa. 6:3; Psalm 19:9; Ex. 34.6; John 3:16}.

Article 3 – Yeshua Hamashea (Jesus Christ), the Son

We believe that the externally pre-existent as God, Yeshua the Messiah, humbled himself and assumed man’s nature by being born of Virgin Mary thus uniting the Divine and human nature {Isa. 9:6; Matt. 1:18-25; John 1:14; 1 Tim. 3:16; Heb. 2:14}.

We believe that Yeshua, as a Jew, lived a sinless life. He died for our sins, according to the Scriptures, as a representative and atoning sacrifice. Yeshua was buried, rose from the dead on the third day and ascended into heaven.  He is seated at the right hand of God the Father, making intercession for us as the great high priest {Pr. 30:4, John 1:1-5, John 1:14-15, Heb.5:5-10}.

Yeshua will return at the end of time in power and glory to rule the earth. Then will occur the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust, the everlasting blessedness of those who believe in Yeshua and the everlasting separation from God of those who reject Yeshua.

Article 4 – Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit)

No revival has ever occurred without the working of the Ruach HaKodesh. We want to Be Empowered by the Spirit of God and we expect the gifts, fruits, signs and wonders of the Spirit of God to be active in our individual lives as well as the congregation as a whole.

We believe that Ruach HaKodesh is the third Person of the Divine Trinity. His principal ministry since his advent at Pentecost is to:

Bear witness to the truth preached {Acts 5:30-32}.

Regenerate those who repent of their sins and exercise faith in Yeshua, the Messiah {John 3:3-8, Titus 3:5}.

Instruct, comfort and guide God’s children {John 14:16-18, 26; 16:13}.

Sanctify God’s children {2 Thess. 2:13; 1 Peter 1:1-3}.

Empower them for life and service {Rom. 8:2; Acts 1:8; Eph. 3:16; 1 Cor. 2:1-4; 1 Thess. 1:5}.

Article 5 –Man

We believe that man was created by God, in the image and likeness of God and that he was endowed with power of rational and responsible choices (Gen. 1:27; Acts 17:24-28; Col. 3:10}.

 We believe that man has alienated himself from God by transgressing God’s command and yielding to the enticement of Satan. In consequence of the act of disobedience, the entire human race became involved in guilt and in corruption leading to irresponsible acts of sin and to just condemnation {Gen. 3:1-6; Rom. 1:19-31; 3:10-12, 23; 5:12, 18; Eph. 4:18; 1 John 1:8-10}.

We believe that man’s reconciliation with God is provided by the blood of Yeshua Hamashea and applied by Ruach HaKodesh {Eph. 1:1-3; John 3:3-5}.

We believe that man’s salvation can be only achieved through repentance and faith that Yeshua is His Lord and Savior and only through him can man achieve reconciliation with the Father {Acts 2:21-26; Rom. 3:21-26; Heb. 6:1-2}.

Article 6 – Jews and Gentiles

God chose the Jewish people to receive His perfect Law (Torah) and show forth His righteousness to the nations, bringing blessing into the world. He has made a special covenant with the Jewish people, which is permanent and irrevocable {Gen. 17:7-9; Ex. 19:5-8, 24:3; Jer. 31:35-37, 33:20-26; Isa.42:1-8; Rom. 11:28-29}.

Jews and Gentiles who acknowledge Yeshua as Messiah and Redeemer are part of God's universally covenanted people.

Jews and Gentiles who proclaim Yeshua Hamasheah as their Lord and Savior should worship and serve together in the House of the Lord {1 Cor. 12:13; Eph. 1:22; Col. 1:18}.

Article 7 – Ordinances

We believe that Mikveh (water immersion) is an act of obedience and a visible sign of the reality of salvation. We are commanded to observe them, but we do not depend on them for salvation.

Remembrance of Yeshua’s last Passover Seder commemorates the covenant sealed through Yeshua’s atoning death and our living relationship with him. Though we seek to be obedient to God in this practice, we do not regard it as a means of salvation.

Article 7 – Church

We believe that Yeshua Hamashea is the Church High Priest in the Order of Melhisedek.

We believe that the Church is universal and that it is manifested locally through companies of Christ followers, meeting together at stated times for worship, bible studies and observe the ordinance (Acts 2:46-47, 20:7, 6:1-6, 14:23; 1 Cor. 16:2}.

Article 8 – Restoration and Preservation of Israel

We believe that God will restore and preserve Israel as he declared to make a new covenant  with the House of Israel {Jer. 31:31-34}

We believe that God will make an everlasting covenant with the House of Israel and will make Israel holy (Ez. 37:21-28}.

Article 9 – Last Things

We believe that at the end of time, Yeshua will descend from Heaven in power and glory to rule the earth. Then will occur the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust, the everlasting blessedness of those who believe in Yeshua and the everlasting separation from God of those who reject Yeshua {Matt. 26:26:30; Luke  22:19-20; 1 Cor. 10, 11:23-26}.