Prayer Request

(Doing the works Yeshua (Jesus) did.*)

We invite you to send us your prayer requests to Our prayer team will be praying for your requests and we will post your request for 30 days on our PRAYER WALL. We invite you to join us in praying for the needs of others and seeing the Almighty answering those prayers.

If you or someone you know are in need of prayer, you may place your request on the prayer sign up sheet by filling out one of the prayer request cards that are located in the back of the sanctuary. You may also by fill out the form below and we will pray for your needs or those you want lifted up.

Note: Most fields below are optional, but the more information you provide, the more specific we can be in prayer.

Your Name:

Are you a member of Beth Yeshua? Yes/ No

Email Address.

Your Phone:

Please Pray For:

Is the person we are praying for a believer in Yeshua (Jesus)?


Salvation (Jn 3:7, Ro 10:9-10, Ep 2:8)
Holy Spirit Baptism (Mt 3:11, Ac 1:8, Jn 7:38-39)
Fear (2 Tim 1:7, 1 Jn 4:18, Ro 8:15, Ps 91)
Holy Spirit Gifts (1 Cor 12, Ro 12, Ep 4:11)
Physical Healing (Ps 103:3, 1 Pt 2:24)
Holy Spirit Fruit (Ga 5:22-23)
Inner Healing (Ep 3:14-19, Is 61:1-3)
Depression (Ps 42, Hab 3:17-19, Is 61:1-3, Job 22:29)
A Decision (Ro 12:2, Phil 2:13, Jer 33:3)
Oppression (Mk 16:17, Lk 8:36, Ac 10:38)
Hope (Jer 29:11, Ro 5:3-5, Ro 15:4 & 13)
Strength/Endurance (Ph 4:13, Ps 27:1, Ja 1:12)
Right Thinking (1Cor 10:4-5, Ph 4:8)
Humility (Pr 16:18, 1 Pe 5:5-7)
Ministry/Congregation (Ep 6:18-20, Heb 13:17)
Missions/Missionary (Ps 2:8, 67:1-3)
Marriage (Heb 13:4, 1 Co 7:1-16, Ep 5:21-33)
Family (Ac 16:31, Nu 30, Hos 2:6)
Relationships (Pr 16:7, 21:1, Lk 10:25-37)
School (2 Tim 2:15, Ja 1:5-6)
Job/Work (Pr 18:16, Ec 9:10, Ex 36:1-2)
Finances (Ph 4:19, Mal 3:6-12, 3 Jn2, Josh 1:8, Deu 28)
A Friend (Pr 17:17, 18:24, 28:10, Ec 4:9-12)
A Spouse (Pr 18:22, 1 Cor 7:2)
Move which Mountain (Mk 11:22-24, 2 Cor 1:20)?

More detail Please (Specific requests get specific answers):

"Most assuredly, I say to you, he, who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father...If you ask anything in my name I will do it. John 14:12,14 [Yeshua (Jesus) will send The Helper, just ask Him! Speak to The Rock!]